The first remedy my clients can take to strengthen their immune system for any viral epidemic, is their constitutional remedy. So please, if you haven't done so, or it's been years since we met, make an appointment with me here for constitutional care. Also, with all the viruses flying around these days, I strongly suggest you stock up on homeopathic flu and cold remedies to have on-hand in the 30c strength, which you can easily find in your local health food store.
Here are the main ones I suggest with their basic symptoms for colds and flus:
Arsenicum album: high fever, burning pain, very anxious
Belladonna: high fever, redness of face, dilated pupils, sensitive to light and noise
Bryonia: aching pains are aggravated by any movement, irritable, want to be left alone
Eupatorium perfoliatum: aching pains down to the bones as if broken, chills with fever
Gelsemium: feel like hit by a truck, exhausted and sleepy, chills in back,
Mercurius virus: sensitive to temperature, both hot and cold easily, thick yellow mucus
Nux vomica: deep chills - can't get warm, very irritable, sick after a lot of stress and working too hard
Oscillococcinum: take at first sign of flu symptoms, may stop it from progressing
Pulsatilla: yellow-green discharges, flushes of heat, thirstless, feel weepy
Rhus toxicodendron: aching muscles and joints, restless moving to get comfortable but can't, sensitive to chills
When you have an acute care consultation with me, it's so convenient to already have these remedies, rather than going out to buy them when you or your child is sick.
And even better than buying them individually, I have Acute Care kits for sale— a selection of 18 or 35 remedies at a very discounted price. The kits come with a small guidebook, which makes it possible to choose a remedy if a consultation is not possible immediately.
And of course, wash your hands and your children's hands frequently and for at least 30 seconds, and eat your nutrient dense, immune supportive foods with lots of vitamins, and take supplements, like cod liver oil and black elderberry syrup.